10 Ways to Express Yourself Romantically to Your Partner

When you want to increase the emotional bond you have with your partner, it’s up to you to find new and exciting ways to keep the romance going. Here are 10 of the best ways to bring it in to your life without it costing you your paycheck.


1. Make Every Day Feel Like Your Anniversary

  • Why wait for Valentine’s Day or your yearly anniversary to make your partner feel special?
  • Treat every day like your anniversary by making your partner feel loved, respected and valued.
  • Practice random acts of thoughtfulness; a little bit goes a long way!

2. Send Thoughtful Text Messages at Work

  • Women love to feel that you are thinking of them when she’s not around ¾ that you’re connected to her fully and emotionally.
  • Spend a minute once or twice a day crafting sweet text messages to her (save the sexy, naughty ones for a later time).
  • For example, “Love you baby! Hope your meeting goes well,” or “Can’t wait to come home to you tonight. I miss you!”

3. Buy Him Two Tickets to See His Favorite Sports Team

  • What’s his favorite sports team? Is it the Lakers or the Yankees?
  • He responds to your love when it comes from the heart, and when you feel that he’s doing something right in the relationship, give him a small gift, such as two tickets to see his favorite team play (and make HIM feel like an all-star!).

4. Pack a Picnic and Head for the Lake

  • Male or female, everyone loves an opportunity to be romantic.
  • Focus on something small. Plan a picnic for your sweetheart and bring a blanket, your partner’s favorite foods (even if it’s fast food or fried ¾ just anything that will make him or her feel your love and desire to do something nice for them). Don’t forget the wine!
  • Bonus tip: Arrange the picnic for around sundown. Nothing sets the stage for a passionate kiss like a sunset.

5. Try Something New Together

  • What sport, activity or passion have you always wanted to pursue, especially as a couple?
  • Make it romantic. Look at it as a chance to bond, and get closer than ever!
  • For example, take a cooking class, go rowing, go hiking and even bowling can be romantic with the right person by your side.

6. Try a New Kissing Method

  • Kissing the same way and in the same style each day can get boring.
  • Try something new ¾ passionate French kissing, Eskimo kissing (kissing by rubbing noses together gently), butterfly kissing (eyes open and standing close enough to flutter your eyelashes up and down, touching) and the Spiderman kiss (he’s upside down, you’re right side up).

7. Serve Breakfast in Bed

  • Focus on romanticism first thing in your morning and your partner will feel the love all day long.
  • Serve breakfast in bed ¾ fresh fruit, coffee, juice, pancakes (whatever your partner’s favorite breakfast foods are, and don’t forget the single red rose).

8. Surprise Them at Work With Their Favorite Lunch

  • Pop over to your partner’s workplace and surprise him or her with his or her favorite takeout!
  • Tell your partner you love him or her and couldn’t stand waiting until the evening to see him or her.

9. Focus on Listening (Not Talking)

  • Actively listen to your partner free of internal distractions. This is the single best romantic maneuver you can do.
  • Be present with them, and it doesn’t cost a thing.
  • Offer suggestions, ask questions, ask what he or she needs help with or how you can best support him or her.

10. Connect Through Music

  • If the mood is tense (your partner is stressed, you’ve had a recent argument, etc.), play some soft music.
  • Dance with them; then allow whatever comes to come!


When it comes to romance, keep it simple and you’ll always win over your partner’s heart and strengthen the bond you have. Romance is the key to boosting the love you already have for one another, and when you act romantic regularly in your relationship, those “rough patches” will become less frequent.