10 Creative Ways to Spice Up Your Love Life!

There’s nothing more exciting than a spontaneous, thrilling love life, but what happens when the romance goes stale and your sex life has become predictable? Here are 15 exciting and creative ways to add some “oomph” to the bedroom so that you look at your partner with yearning like you once did!


Buy a Sex Book and Have Fun Reading It Together

  • Focus on something new to spice up your relationship ¾ buy a sex book and read page by page for new additions to the bedroom!
  • Make it fun; don’t take it so seriously.
  • Use a sex book as a way to bring flirtation and experimentation in your relationship. If nothing else, it’s a great way to laugh with your partner.

Try a New Position

  • Tired of being on top each time or having sex in the missionary position? Try to spice things up by selecting a new position in bed.
  • Different sex positions can amount to different orgasm intensity.
  • Studies show that men and women who are diverse in their sex positions experience greater overall emotional connection as well. Intimacy starts in the bedroom but translates to all areas of your relationship.

Role Play

  • Live out your fantasies safely with role-playing.
  • Focus on “roles” that excite you ¾ a dominating “boss,” a flight attendant, a “captain” of a ship, etc. Make it fun and flirtatious!
  • Why limit role-playing to the bedroom? Go out in costume (or not) and hit the bar, a restaurant or a party “acting out discreetly”!

Make Out With Each Other More

  • Where has all the kissing gone?
  • Long-term relationships fail to keep up passionate kissing, often when the dust (the excitement) of your relationship settles. Bring it back with a new kissing style ¾ sweet, passionate, aggressive or practice stealing kisses when he or she least expects it!

Focus on the Erogenous Zones

  • There are 10 erogenous zones. Hit them all for an exciting way to spruce up the romance.
  • The erogenous zones include the lips, earlobe, toes, back of the ear, nape of the neck, stomach, scalp, inner arm, etc. Focus on each one and in random order.

Have Sex in a Scandalous Location

  • Move your sex out of the bedroom for a sizzling hot sex life!
  • Focus on wherever you feel safe and excited to have foreplay and sex ¾ your backyard, the kitchen or the car.
  • Have sex during unpredictable times, so your partner will think of you as unpredictable.

Describe Your Fantasies to Each Another

  • Focus on describing in detail your fantasy life.
  • Talk in a whisper to your partner, touch your partner’s arm and graze his or her neck while passionately kissing him or her. Then go back to the exciting fantasy you’d love for them to play out with you.

Flirtatious Body Language

  • Gaze into your partner’s eyes, and then lean in for a passionate embrace. When your partner begins to wince at your passion, slowly move back while gazing in his or her eyes.
  • Lean into your partner’s body while feeding him or her a spoonful of decadent desert.

Speak to Each Another Using Double Meaning

  • Focus on double meanings in conversation to spice up your love life. It’s easy and can be done with virtually any topic.
  • Throw your partner off guard with your flirtation.
  • For example, “This food is spicy, isn’t it? Well, I sure know another way to turn the spice up this evening…”

Feed Each Other Dinner

  • Devote an entire night to feeding your partner his or her meal.
  • Keep it going with simple foods ¾ fruits, vegetables, chocolate, meat or seafood ¾ anything that can easily be put into your partner’s hands.
  • The more you use your hands, the better!


Whether you want to become more attractive to your partner or just want to shake things up, flirting, having sex in a new location or just feeding each other a meal is the way to go. Use these tips and take your relationship to a whole new level.