Your Secret Skills
Are You Being Authentically You?
Do you ever feel like you're living life based on what others expect from you, rather than following your own desires and passions? It’s easy to feel like a puppet with strings attached, pulled in different directions by the demands of society, family, or even yourself. Over time, as you change, transform, and evolve, it’s essential to stay true to who you are at your core. Here are some tips to help you live an authentic and fulfilling life.
What Is Living an Authentic Life All About?
Living authentically means recognizing that the roles you take on—parent, student, lawyer—are just that: roles. They don’t define who you are at your core. Your authentic self is reflected in the choices you make, your innate wisdom, your unique talents, and the passions you choose to express. To live an authentic life, listen to your intuition and follow what feels right to you, regardless of outside opinions. Prioritize what gives you a sense of freedom and aligns with your values, not what others deem acceptable or appropriate.
Your True Self vs. Your Fictional Self
True Self: This is who you are deep down—your core identity, which includes your compassion, creativity, and other intrinsic qualities.
Fictional Self: This is the identity that others impose on you, or the persona you adopt because you feel it’s what you "should" be. It can be any role—teacher, doctor, mother—that doesn’t truly fulfill you and keeps you from living your authentic life.
Define the Unique Talents That Make You Who You Are
Think back to your childhood: What activities made you feel most alive? Whether it was playing sports, acting in plays, or building complex structures with Legos, these activities often reveal your deepest desires. Make a list of all your goals, both big and small, and start taking actionable steps toward them. For example, if your true passion is to sell your mural paintings rather than working a job that doesn’t fulfill you, start by taking small, manageable steps toward making that dream a reality. Recognize the traits that set you apart from everyone else and remind yourself of them daily. Doing so will build confidence and a stronger desire to live authentically.
Focus on What You Can and Will Do to Make Your Goals Happen
Even if you feel stuck on your current path, there’s always something you can do to move closer to living an authentic life. Start with a weekly goal, and as you achieve smaller goals, gradually set your sights on bigger ones. The key is to keep moving forward, even if the steps seem small.
Pursue Creative Interests, and Make Them Part of Your Life
Ask yourself what you love doing and what makes you feel most alive. Consider activities that energize you versus those that drain you. Then, take up new hobbies—photography, cooking, entrepreneurship, anything that sparks your interest. By experimenting with new hobbies, you can discover what truly excites you and incorporate those passions into your daily life.
A Few Last Words …
Your authentic self is as unique as your thumbprint, distinguishing you from every other person in the world. By focusing on what’s important to you and pursuing your passions, you’ll continue to move forward in an authentic, fulfilling way.

Steven Johnson
Your secret Skills
About the Author
Steven Johnson, the founder of Your Secret Skills, is passionate about helping individuals unlock their hidden potential. With a deep commitment to personal growth and well-being, Steven curates expert advice, tools, and natural supplements for better health and to empower you to succeed in every aspect of life.